About Celebration, Florida: http://www.celebration.fl.us
About the Congress for the New Urbanism: http://www.cnu.org
About Globalization and World Cities: http://www.lut.ac.uk/gawc/index.html
About Opposition to Urban Sprawl:http://www.sierraclub.org/sprawl
About Seaside, Florida: http://www.seasidefl.com
About Berlinhttp://www.learner.org/resources/series180.html#program_descriptions
Click on Video On Demand for “Berlin: United We Stand”
Click on Video On Demand for “Berlin: Changing Center of a Changing Europe”
About Sprawl in Chicago: http://www.learner.org/resources/series180.html
Click on Video On Demand for “Chicago: Farming on the Edge” Source: SmartGrowth.org, http://www.smartgrowthamerica.org/sprawlindex/measuringsprawl.pdflast ac-cessed July 2005.
Creative Class Group: www.creativeclass.com
FastCompany. Where Are You on the Talent Map : www.fastcompany.com/magazine/42/pp_florida.html
Lileks.com. Historical and Contemporary Landscapes of Fargo, North Dakota : www.lileks.com/fargo/index.html
Malanga , Steven . The Curse of the Creative Class : www.city-journal.org/html/14_1_the_curse.html
Philosophical Dictionary. Postmodernism : www.philosophypages.com/dy/p7.htm#pomo
Project for Public Spaces. Great Public Spaces : http://www.pps.org/
Statistics Canada. Illustrated Glossary: Geographic Units: www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/92-195-x/92-195-x2011001-eng.htm
Terrain: A Journal of the Built and Natural Environment : www.terrain.org
University of Southern California. Downtown Los Angeles Walking Tour : http://dornsife.usc.edu/la-walking-tour
U.S. Census Bureau. Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas, Definitions and Standards : www.census.gov/population/metro/
U.S. Census Bureau. American Factfinder : http://factfinder2.census.gov
American Planning Association: www.planning.org
Brookings Institution. Metropolitan Policy Program : www.brookings.edu/about/programs/metro
Brookings Institution. State of Metropolitan America : www.brookings.edu/about/programs/metro/stateofmetroamerica
Center for Neighborhood Technology. Housing and Transportation Affordability Index : http://htaindex.cnt.org
Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida: www.cutr.usf.edu
City of Colorado Springs: http://www.springsgov.com/
Congress for the New Urbanism: www.cnu.org
Federal Transit Administration. National Transit Database: www.ntdprogram.gov/ntdprogram/archives.htm
Form-Based Codes Institute. What Are Form Based Codes? www.formbasedcodes.org/what-are-form-based-codes
Google Maps (satellite images of any U.S. city): http://maps.google.com
Katz , Bruce , and Jennifer Bradley . Divided We Sprawl : www.theatlantic.com/issues/99dec/9912katz.htm
Langdon , Philip . How Portland Does It : www.theatlantic.com/issues/92nov/portland.htm
League of American Bicyclists. Bicycle Friendly Community Campaign: http://www.bikeleague.org/programs/bicyclefriendlyamerica/communities (scroll down to bottom)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Great Zooms . Includes 17 U.S. cities: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/stories/zooms/index.html
National Civic League: www.ncl.org
Transportation Research Board: www.trb.org/Main/Home.aspx
Puentes , R. , and Tomer , A. The Road . . . Less Traveled: An Analysis of Vehicle Miles Traveled Trends in the United States . Brookings Institution, Washington, DC: www.brookings.edu/reports/2008/1216_transportation_tomer_puentes.aspx
Redefining Progress. Footprint of the Nations : www.ecologicalfootprint.org
Schrank , D. , and T. Lomax . Annual Urban Mobility Report . Texas Transportation Institute: http://mobility.tamu.edu/ums
Sierra Club. Stop Sprawl : www.SierraClub.org/sprawl
Smart Growth America: Measuring Sprawl and Its Impact : www.smartgrowthamerica.org/sprawlindex/sprawlindex.html
Smart Growth Network: www.smartgrowth.org
Sustainable Measures: www.sustainablemeasures.com
Transit Oriented Development, Design for Living a Sustainable Future : www.transitorienteddevelopment.org
UCLA Department of Urban Planning. Critical Planning : http://luskin.ucla.edu/urban-planning/student-organizations/critical-planning
University of Southern California. Center for Sustainable Cities : http://sustainablecities.usc.edu
U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Transportation Statistics Annual Report : www.bts.gov/publications/transportation_statistics_annual_report/
U.S. Census Bureau. Population Estimates: Maps : www.census.gov/popest/data/maps/11maps.html
Walk Score: Get your score : www.walkscore.com