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Gill St. Bernard's Middle School Library: 5th Grade Native Plants Research


Welcome, 5th graders! Start here to research native plants and the history of the Lenape, an indigenous people of the United States and Canada.  

List of Native Plants

The Three Sisters

Native Plant Topics

Veggies grown in our garden: 

  1. Spinach 

  1. Carrots 

  1. Swiss chard 

  1. Arugula  

  1. Lettuce  

  1. Peas  

  1. Beans (purple, yellow, green)* 

  1. Brussel sprouts 

  1. Parsley 

  1. Garlic 

  1. Kale 

  1. Onions 

  1. Squash* 

  1. Tomatoes 

  1. Corn* 

  1. Sweet potatoes  

  1. Watermelon 

  1. Radishes  

  1. Potatoes 

  1. Pumpkin 

  1. Peppers 

  1. Apples 

*three sisters 

Wild edible plants on campus: 

  1. Wineberry 

  1. Autumn olive 

  1. White pine 

  1. Koussa dogwood 

  1. Ginko 

  1. Oak (nuts) 

  1. Hickory nut 

  1. Multi Flora Rose 

  1. Milkweed 

  1. Plum 

  1. Walnut 

  1. Sour cherry 

  1. Red bud 

  1. Hawthorn 

  1. Sweet gum 


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Salem History:  Electronic versions of several reference book sets. The sets are: Defining Documents in American HistoryGreat Events from History, InnovatorsMilestone Documents, and Musicians and Composers. They are searchable across all volumes or individually.

Salem Science:  Electronic versions of several reference book sets. The sets are: Computer Technology InnovatorsEarth Science: Earth Materials and ResourcesEarth Science: Earth’s Weather, Water, and Atmosphere, Environmental Issues, and Encyclopedia of Global Resources. They are searchable across all volumes or individually.



How to Plant a Rainbow Vegetable Garden ...

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