Britannica School: Britannica School is an online library of hundreds of thousands of high-quality readings, videos and images created and maintained by Encyclopedia Britannica. Anatomy and Physiology Portal studies the structures of the body and the way that those structures function.
Digital Public Library of America: This is a free, online library with collections of America's libraries, museums, and archives.
EBSCOHost: A family of 24 databases of scholarly and popular press articles, many in full text. Academic Search Premier (part of EBSCOHost Web) is a good source of peer-reviewed articles. Literary Reference Center is a good source for literary criticism, author biographies, and plot summaries. Other databases are more specific in nature.
eLibrary (off campus): Full text database with access to newspapers, magazines, books, picture, maps, and transcripts of TV and radio broadcasts.
Facts on File: A family of databases that includes science, history, multi-cultural, geography, health, and literature. World Geography and Culture Online is a good source for reproducible maps. Bloom's Literature is a collection of critical essays from literary journals and scholarly and critical books.
Gale Literary Sources: Search multiple Gale literature sources, including literature titles in Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Gale Multiple Database Interface: Search all of the Gale databases that we subscribe to, including Gale Virtual Reference Library, Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Literary Resources, Student Resources in Context, and Literature Resource Center.
Gale Virtual Reference Library: An e-book database of over 600 encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. The collection can be searched by discipline, title, or the entire collection.
Great Events from History: A concise summary of important events in history, including the significance of the event and a list of ‘further reading’. It is an electronic version of the series of reference books with the same title.
Image Quest: A database with over 2 million images from some of the best, specialized collections in the world. All images are rights-cleared for educational use.
JSTOR: A full text database of over 2,000 scholarly journals in the arts, sciences, humanities, and social sciences. The content goes back to the start of each journal but may not include current issues.
Legal Information Reference Center: A database for the general public with legal reference books and forms.
NoveList: A database of reading recommendations for K-adult readers.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context: A full-text database covering today’s social issues. Drawing on the acclaimed series Opposing Viewpoints and other Gale imprints, it features viewpoint articles, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, and newspaper articles.
Points of View Reference Center: Part of EBSCOHost. This database contains 343 topics, each with an overview (objective background / description), point (argument), and counterpoint (opposing argument). Each topic features a Guide to Critical Analysis.
Primary Source Sets-Part of the Digital Public Library of America. Browse topics in literature, history, and culture from museums and libraries. The primary sets use photos, letters, videos, and oral histories.
Proquest Central K12 (on campus)
Proquest Central K12 (off campus): Full-text and abstracts for over 8,000 periodical and journals on nearly every subject. Full text of The New York Times (1851-present) and other newspapers are included.
Psychology and Behavioral Health: Comprehensive database covering notable theories, people, social issues, life stages, the physiology and anatomy of the nervous system and various mental illnesses or conditions. It is an electronic version of the series of reference books by the same title.
Referencia Latina: A full-text Spanish language database with reference books, magazines, and health reports.
Salem History: Electronic versions of several reference book sets. The sets are: Defining Documents in American History, Great Events from History, Innovators, Milestone Documents, and Musicians and Composers. They are searchable across all volumes or individually.
Salem Science: Electronic versions of several reference book sets. The sets are: Computer Technology Innovators, Earth Science: Earth Materials and Resources, Earth Science: Earth’s Weather, Water, and Atmosphere, Environmental Issues, and Encyclopedia of Global Resources. They are searchable across all volumes or individually.
Small Business Reference Center: A database with business videos and full-text of top consumer small business reference books.
Science Mag Online: On campus access only. Search for articles in Science, Science Advances, Science Translational Medicine, Science Immunity, and Science Signaling. Click Log In at the top and it should auto-authenticate you if you are on campus.
Student Resources in Context: A database with contextual information on a broad range of topics. It merges reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites. It can be searched by topic or keyword.